Monday, January 13, 2014


It dawned upon me today. Success is try squared. If you don't try and try you will never succeed. Anything worth succeeding in is worth putting the effort into. I know some days there just aren't enough hours in the day. And other days are smooth sailing. But I hope you try and try and try again until you reach your goals.

Have you tried something new today? If we aren't constantly learning and trying we will never be succeeding. This afternoon, I was working on something that just wouldn't go my way. But I stuck with it and rather proud I completed my task in the end. And a teacher thanked me for the previous resources I had compiled and asked for a copy even though what I was working on was for another grade level. I admit, that felt quite good.

What have you tried lately? I'm trying to share more valuable content on Twitter and this blog. I'd love to hear what you are trying. And even better if after trying and trying you succeed. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Divergent Paths to a Destination

Both paths will reach the same destination
Recently, I attended a conference where a presenter suggested offering students various entry points for engagement to a lesson. Some students will not check in to a lesson unless you find that key that unlocks their interest. While listening to this presenter an image of a road map came to mind. Two students will approach the same destination but one may take a direct path while another takes a more meandering path. Is either right? Or are both equally valid for a child's progress. I am grateful to this presenter for reminding me to help students find ways to check into a lesson. Technology offers many opportunities for engagement. The presenter's sample of teaching vocabulary for bicycle and having a building behind the digital image with another word in a child's native tongue may spark interest. This concept fascinates me. I hope in coming days to work with our teacher's to provide some such varying stop signs along the road to help students make connections to the lesson and/or assignment. Do you provide opportunities for students to engage on their own playing field along the way to your destination of knowledge acquisition?