Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Voice in My Head Sings, "It's Google Chrome"

So my friend posted a video of a bunch of guys dancing a line dance to Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines. Recently I had some popup ads I had to get eradicate from my computer. Somehow as I watched this my brain started singing a different set of lyrics. I had to run to my word processor and put this town. I hope this brings a techie smile. Basically an ode to Google Chrome.
Please picture the tune that is everyone on the airwaves these days while reading the following:

Ok now window's closed, tried to appropriate you
But there is Chrome, baby, it's another browser.
Just let me liberate you
Hey, hey, hey
You don't need no popups
Hey, hey, hey
That browser's not your maker
And that's why I'm gonna show'ya a new tool
I know you want it
I know you hate it
I know you need it
It's Google Chrome
Can't keep it to just me
Why stick with just the classic
Talk about browsing faster
I hate these IE error lines
I know you want better
I know you deserve better
I know you need better
Cause it's a good tool
away Internet Explorer
Don't make me get nasty
Go download, you will thank me

I know I marvel at how my brain is wired too. But hope it made my techie friends smile.

Our Digital/Connected World

The other evening the weather report called for 3 - 6 inches of snow. Yes, I'm in NY. The weather report further called for icy rain and freezing conditions. As I relaxed with Facebook after a long day it was nice to see reports start coming in that we would have a Snow Day. How did this word reach me? News traveled quickly via our district Facebook page, our district Twitter account. At the Board of Education meeting the Interim Superintendent made the announcement. Those present continued to spread the word through their mobile devices. This was all before the official phone call announcement from the school district took place. I marveled at how quickly news spread. THIS is the power of social media. Rapid sharing of information to the masses. I think my mind focused on this, because I was disappointed that my celebration of Digital Learning Day ( would need to be postponed.

And yet, the inner small child celebrated the news that we would have a snow day! Yes, please. I could so use a rest. But again I'm me. Did I rest today? Only now (while blogging mind you) at 4:49 am I actually relaxing on the couch. Since today was Digital Learning Day I had to connect with my PLN and attend a few virtual events.

As people voiced their concerns about prepping for power outages and expressed gratitude that their power came back, I was grateful for my access. I realized just how connected I am.  I think I swallowed a "horse-tablet sized blue pill" eons ago.

I woke up and looked at my digital clock.
I made some Cream of Farina in the microwave.
I checked my smartphone.
I turned on my Nook.
I booted up my computer. (All in the first 10 minutes or so of being awake.)
I took a photo of the snow outside.
I logged in.
I loaded my TweetDeck.
I loaded my Facebook.
I checked in on my PLN.
I tuned in for the Library of Congress Digital Learning Day stream.
I tuned in for a bit of the Discovery Educator Network Google Hangout.
I took part in the discussion at the ChatSpace on the Library of Congress Digital Learning Day stream.
I decided I needed to encapsulate this Digital/Connected Life I lead.
Today I was "off" but I would certainly say that I was "on". Wouldn't you?

Did you spend Digital Learning Day using digital devices? Were you connected?