Saturday, January 4, 2014

How Sweet It Is!

As part of the Self-Initiated Blog Challenge, started by Kelly Hines, we were challenged to share a favorite book for reading or teaching. I don't really have a favorite. There are several that I love. But I wanted to share a new tool that I found. Are you aware of the ingeniousness behind these books by Jerry Pallotta and Rob Bolster? They have found a way to make math instruction both engaging and tangible. I so wish I had this in school. For Digital Learning Day on February 5, 2014, I will be celebrating with my teachers. I have chosen a Chocolate theme - “Digital Learning – How Sweet It Is!” In my research looking for ideas both decorative and instructional, I came across this book. The title is The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar Fractions Book. What a great idea! I always struggled with understanding math concepts in school. But this creates such a wonderful visual to work with for teachers and students alike. There is also an additional and a subtraction book. I am so happy that I discovered these in advance. Come pay day, these are definitely on my list. My goal this year is to share more "valuable content". I think this definitely falls under that category. Hope you think so as well.

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Goal: "Share more valuable content"

My Goal this year: “Share more valuable content.”

Daily, I live digitally. Wake up. Turn on either the computer or the cell phone (or both) and see what's going on with friends, family, and members of my PLN. I absorb so much from so many. Having all of this new knowledge is wonderful. Having someone else gain something positive from my having this new knowledge – oh wouldn't that be more powerful!?

Last night and this morning it snowed. The view out my window is beautiful since I don't have to go shovel it. So, today I can enjoy it. Now had this been Monday when I return to work... Oh I'd have told the snow where they can shovel it! But does anyone care about all that? I am realizing how much more value there would be in sharing quality, valuable resources with my PLN. This will be my goal this year. I know every day I will not accomplish this. I am so impressed with my friends that curate and collaborate daily. But I do plan to attempt to periodically “Share more valuable content.”

I know “Share more valuable content” is rather subjective. What I find valuable others might not. But as they say, “You can't please everyone all of the time.” So I won't try. I will however share that recipe (, that party/celebration idea (, that educational resources ( or educational insight/reflection/professional development ( Hope you will care enough to take a look and that you will deem the content shared valuable.

update: Decided to create a visualization as part of the Blog Challenge (
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