Saturday, August 12, 2017

Making on a more personal level

Sharing these links as friends have been asking where I got my Lego logo items:

This Spring I was able to purchase two sets of Lego WeDo2.0. In order to complete this transaction, I needed to converse quite a few times with the helpful folks at Lego Customer Service. One day I found their webpage in an effort to confirm the phone number that I had. I noticed their graphic banner at the top of the site:
I hope the graphic doesn't change as it is priceless! So very well done. But being in edtech myself I had an idea to borrow their idea and create a Lego representation of myself.

It sparked an idea. I hoped to create something like that for myself for this coming school year. As Legos are a big part of #OurSTEAMCafe, it seemed a perfect concept to bring to life. I began looking at Amazon for Lego figures that looked like me. Didn't quite find any that I liked. I also hoped to write my name on it. So one night scrolling through Etsy, I typed in "customized Lego people." That's what brought me to I was able to choose my hair color and style, some choices about facial features, clothing color, and pants color. I could also have "Mrs. Shields" inscribed upon it. I have to say that I love the resulting product. So adorable!

After purchasing a Lego-like mini-me I figured I needed some type of technology item to hold. Through Amazon I found a great black laptop for Lego. It looks almost like our chromebooks. Perfect! Add to cart!

Next I was on the hunt for Lego furniture. I found a very cute brown desk (some assembly required). Who doesn't love to play with Lego!? For those that have been asking, it was purchased through Amazon but the shop is The kit actually included Lego-like sized speakers, desktop, mouse and keyboard. It arrived very quickly. The other night I assembled it. A perfect evening amusement while it rained outside.

After all the pieces arrived and were assembled, I carefully placed them on top of a sheet of white computer paper. I took photos from various angles with my cell phone. The interesting thing is the photos that I preferred were shot in the evening when it was a little darker in our apartment. I also took photographs the next morning in direct sunlight. But I was surprised that I prefer the first set's lighting.

After uploading my photos to Google Drive, I used Google Slides to create my graphic. I understand the Google Drawings is designed for graphics. But I find that I can overlap layers much better using Google Slides. When you are finished --> File --> Download as --> .jpg creates a picture image that can be used on Twitter, Facebook and most importantly Google Classroom. I have several Google Classroom classes for professional development purposes at my school. One for each of the upper grade levels. I added some text distinguishing the grade level and reoutput to be our Google Classroom banner images. Pleased with myself and my handwork, I shared it on Twitter and FB. Friends started asking, "Where did you get that?" This blog post is my response.

Please note I am an educator. There was no sponsorship from any of the companies in the creation of this blog post. It is just a very happy customer (funding came from my own wallet) glad to share with friends and/or colleagues. If you create something similar I would love to see your results.

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