A member of my DEN-ln,
Nancy Sharoff just shared a resource -
http://first-tweets.com. Twitter is a wonderful tool for professional development. When I first joined Twitter, I was following several friends that I had met through Discovery Education, (
@DiscoveryEd). I mostly watched. I mostly read. Back then it was called lurking. But slowly I began to communicate. There are a few moments in time stand out in my mind. I had posted about being sick. Someone asked me at a conference if I was now feeling better. Wait, how did she know I was under the weather?! Oh they actually read MY twitter status. Wow what a feeling! Then at a different conference I had someone come up and introduce themselves to me. They recognized me from my Twitter account. What a laugh that was for me. I seem to focus on what I learn, read, enjoy from others on Twitter and don't really consider the butterfly effect of my own words. It always surprises me when someone retweets something that I "said".
So Nancy posted this cute tool that goes back in time and finds your very first tweet that you sent out into cyberspace. Can't believe my first tweet was in 2007. Where has the time gone!? Not exactly pearls of wisdom dripping from my keys, "I'm creating my own twitter account after reading about it on the DEN blog." Lmfao. My DEN loyalty and pride ever shinning through my earliest communications.
Are you ready to step into the virtual Tardis, leap through time to your first Twitter post?
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